Sunday, 19 August 2012

Into the Black

Neil Young once sang 'Out of the blue and into the Black' Well that's were we are headed. It's been a wait but well worth it for me. The Black is where it all is. There is light and there are the after effects, I'm talking old school here. Whatever is touched by the light, and that's what I want, to be touched, swamped and overwhelmed by the light.

And then... into the black

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Shoot the Chef

Have been meaning to have a go at this for some time now. Probably a couple of years at least since I heard about this particular event. Shoot the Chef. It sounds kind of dark, but clearly it is all and only about light.

There are many images entered into this prize that have the chef hunching around with animal carcases on there shoulders or, more likely, dead fish somewhere in close proximity. Often standing in a pool or body of water by the sea, the hapless chef endures these creative indignities in the name of art (in whichever dialect the photographer speaks)

I have opted for a plain speaking portrait of my Chef that I hope shows some dignity and honour towards this fine profession. Too many chefs these days I think subscribe to the idea that they are celebrities simply because they are able to cook something and sprout some sort of attitude forth from the television screen. A vague generalisation I know, but this is the way it seems to me. Just take a peek at Celebrity Chef. Why not just call the program 'Chef', or isn't that the point. Fine people like Jamie Oliver at least has done much with his celebrity for the good of the community.

My Chef originally trained in jolly old England at the Savoy Hotel in London no less, is a neighbour and friend of many years. Virginia constantly amazes me be being able to make something tasty, so easily out of almost anything. Cooking is in her imagination. It is an instinct, rather than something she has trained for. Currently Virginia is co-running the Sourdough Baker Cafe in Newcastle. She breathes life into all things.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Stand in - Stands out

Just setting up to shoot a friend for the 'Shoot the Chef' portrait. My trusty side kick and stand in fills the gap so I don't keep my chef waiting for too long and her hungry customers begging for more , or even some. My girl did well so I'm putting up a couple or three shots.