Wednesday 13 June 2012

Another day, another face

Two more kind folk passed before my lens today.
I hope I've found something in each that says something to you.

There are still one or two more people in the queue, but this will be my last chance to get any feedback before I submit to the mercy of the judges. I've put a name and number with each portrait posted over the last couple of days. If you could take a moment and let me know which images work for you I would be very grateful. Thanks

Glenn #1

Rachel #1


Stuart Marlin said...

1) You have sooo captured Glen. Nice Shadow. Don't know if it has that 'I am very High up" feel with the camera being on the same level as him. But I like the image.

2) Rachel: Crop her tighter- she looks like she has HUGE arms. Too much spinach. I Like the Blue background and her head pose. Eyes are a smidge dark.

Anonymous said...

It's a tough call - I think my favourites are Carrie #3, Roland #1 and Glenn #1. Roland #3 is also cool, and Roland #2 looks like it could be in Vogue Italia if you punched the contrast and saturation a little :)The ones of Clare are very arty, so I'm not sure how a newspaper photographer would take to them. Holly.