Saturday 27 August 2011

Solid Rock

As I was saying, water has a hold on the images I make... and on me, always has. I incline my head and recall many early morning trips to ocean baths and other coastal locations to try and capture the essence of what I see and feel. What is it that invades my consciousness and draws me deeper within itself and myself.

The slightly rank smell of dried out seaweed scattered along the beach or across the rocky platform. The misty salty spray dampening my face while I hold the camera under my shirtfront or behind my back to protect it from corrosive decay. The tremendous constant crash of waves breaking, relentless and overpowering and also calming and inducing a meditative focus.

I walk, run, crouch and stare. I stand and watch as time stands still but never stops. Moment by moment all is reborn before my eyes as through the lens. I want to capture every single moment, each tiny crack between every second that passes. I become the moment and the moment becomes me. I am lost and found in one place and in all places.

And even as the subject changes, still it stays the same...

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