Sunday 1 July 2012

Unsung Heroes

These are the Unsung Heroes of the recent Portrait series. The stand ins, the unpaid extras, the crew, the props, the place holders. They who reflect the light while we get the exposure right.

These are the people who helped me set up the shots before the 'talent' arrived. They stood and took the light on the chin without a grumble or a thought for their own safety or what they were getting out of this. They mugged for the camera without wondering... why? They turned to the left and they turned to the right. They didn't ask to be paid nor did they ask for an 8 x 10 glossy at the end of the day. They did it for the love of photography and image making. For the history of portrait photography into which they could not reasonably expect to enter. Yet here they are. Making a little history baby.

Thanks girls, you make my life.

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