Sunday, 9 December 2012

Walls not Bridges

Not sure what's going on, but everywhere I go I keep running into brick walls. Another addition to the images that were hung earlier this year in The Distracted Sky series.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Trumpet Blowing

The 2012 Kodak Salon run by the Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne.

This great rollicking show of Contemporary Photography runs annually in all four galleries of the CCP in George St, Fitzroy. I have hung images in the show for the last three years. Never been down for the opening but would love to one year. It looks like a lot of fun from the image posts, and also would love to be in the midst of so many photographers looking at so many images.

This year would have been a good one to attend, in fact this year I was specifically called and invited. Just checking my catalogue entry and by the way will you be at the opening (wink, wink). This year I had the good fortune to win one of the categories with one of my images. The Kayell Best Inkjet Print. (feeling very chuffed)

Now there are some people who think that making a good inkjet print is just a matter of turning up at the printers and leaving your digital file and collecting the print five days later (who knows why this takes so long sometimes) Not this time jack. I printed this image myself, as I do all of my images. I have a wonderful printer to use, the Epson Pro Stylus 9900, and I printed on a terrific paper, the Hahnmuele Bright 100% Cotton Rag (thanks CW), but as they say, you can't get blood out of a stone.

The good image starts with a good exposure, shadows/highlights etc, preferably on a RAW file. The file is converted to a DNG file and initial adjustments made in Adobe Camera RAW. Brought into Photoshop the image is fine tuned, colour, contrast, local tonal adjustments and sharpening. If you ever look at the way an 'Ansel Adams' works a print you would know that there is nothing straight forward about the process of printing. Honestly I never developed the patience or skill of Mr Adams when I worked in the darkroom. To some extent, but never to his ultra-high level of expertise. Photoshop gives me the time to think about what I want to do. It allows me finesse the highlights and fill out the shadows. It allows me to darken that little area just below the tiles on the facade at the right and enhance the texture of the peeling paint across the centre of the cladding. I can balance the small areas of red with the overwhelming amount of green in the foreground and background. I can take my time and try things out in a way not really possible, for me, in the darkroom. Tools like Photoshop bring us all a little closer to Mr Ansel Adams. Imagine what the master would do with something like Photoshop. Actually I can imagine he would throw it out the back door and stick to the darkroom.

If you have the opportunity and can get down to Melbourne pop into the show. You are bound to see many, many images that surprise and delight you. Thanks CCP

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

A couple of randoms

Just throwing in a couple of random images from last time in Melbourne. No meaning to glean. I just liked the images when I saw them and I have finally got them on the road. That's all.

There are many more to come....

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Heading on to Head On - Two Chairs

Head On Photo Festival is again about to be upon us. Well, there is a call for proposals. Today a sneak peak at the work I am putting forward to be exhibited next year.

To be honest I had thought I may skip this year as I have shown in half a dozen exhibitions this year including my solo show in Head On, "The Distracted Sky". The time calling for proposals this year was remarkably short for Head On, and I have been considering putting in a proposal for a show in the Ballarat International Foto Biennale.

However browsing through my image folder I happened upon this idea of two chairs which I had apparently been collecting unconsciously and unawares. I like that.

The series speaks to the notion of companionship, loss and solitude. Two chairs sit patiently, quietly waiting for activity to acknowledge their existence. Alone yet watchfully keeping in place the environment, those who claim this space as their own and the time that passes un-noted and unnoticed.

I'll be dedicating this series, Two Chairs, to my Mum and Dad.


Saturday, 13 October 2012

Fine Arts in Gosford

Feeling very fortunate again to have two photographs hanging in the Gosford Regional Art Galleries, Art Prize Exhibition. (That's a mouthful)

Please take the time to travel up, down or across to Gosford and have a look at the show. It is very good, and includes photography, ceramics, sculpture and even some painting.

Many exhibitors from TAFE Fine Arts, both staff and student, are represented in the exhibition, with one of our Hunter st teachers taking out the Best in Show ($10k) prize for a wonderful painting. Congratulations to Leslie Tilley.

Please do all the artists a favour and visit the show and support the Fine Arts, as there is not much support coming from our current state government. Shame Barry shame.

The image below is called 'Lost'

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Into the Black

Neil Young once sang 'Out of the blue and into the Black' Well that's were we are headed. It's been a wait but well worth it for me. The Black is where it all is. There is light and there are the after effects, I'm talking old school here. Whatever is touched by the light, and that's what I want, to be touched, swamped and overwhelmed by the light.

And then... into the black

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Shoot the Chef

Have been meaning to have a go at this for some time now. Probably a couple of years at least since I heard about this particular event. Shoot the Chef. It sounds kind of dark, but clearly it is all and only about light.

There are many images entered into this prize that have the chef hunching around with animal carcases on there shoulders or, more likely, dead fish somewhere in close proximity. Often standing in a pool or body of water by the sea, the hapless chef endures these creative indignities in the name of art (in whichever dialect the photographer speaks)

I have opted for a plain speaking portrait of my Chef that I hope shows some dignity and honour towards this fine profession. Too many chefs these days I think subscribe to the idea that they are celebrities simply because they are able to cook something and sprout some sort of attitude forth from the television screen. A vague generalisation I know, but this is the way it seems to me. Just take a peek at Celebrity Chef. Why not just call the program 'Chef', or isn't that the point. Fine people like Jamie Oliver at least has done much with his celebrity for the good of the community.

My Chef originally trained in jolly old England at the Savoy Hotel in London no less, is a neighbour and friend of many years. Virginia constantly amazes me be being able to make something tasty, so easily out of almost anything. Cooking is in her imagination. It is an instinct, rather than something she has trained for. Currently Virginia is co-running the Sourdough Baker Cafe in Newcastle. She breathes life into all things.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Stand in - Stands out

Just setting up to shoot a friend for the 'Shoot the Chef' portrait. My trusty side kick and stand in fills the gap so I don't keep my chef waiting for too long and her hungry customers begging for more , or even some. My girl did well so I'm putting up a couple or three shots.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Competitive Blogging

And from my own family no less. My daughter, the soon to be hairdresser to the very beautiful, has restarted her hairdressing blog. Thankfully, I'm her photographer of choice for this project and I've just taken the first couple of shots this afternoon.

It's rather a cute idea. We just watched the film, Julie and Julia, about the woman who determined to cook her way through Julia Child's first American cook book and keep a blog of her adventures. Well my daughter is going to curl and twist, plait and bun, layer and braid her way through a series of collected hair styles, with herself as the model. She will pop the first images up tomorrow but I am here slipping my version of a couple of the images up tonight.

The new blog will be called Hair-Do, I think and I'll link it up when it's on the road.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Another Day

I'm sure my children are rolling their eyes again behind my back as I turn towards yet another unmistakably bland, cracked and uninteresting wall. I can't help it and neither I guess can they.


Saturday, 7 July 2012

Four Seasons in Two Days

Yes I visited the Four Seasons Motel in Soldiers Point. Climbed the turrets and looked into the abyss. Actually this morning we saw a couple of dolphins in the abyss (or Port Stephens to its friends) I circumnavigated the motel, military style, a covert operation. Disguised as a tourist with a camera. Made my way up to the fourth floor viewing platform, and viewed. Not being sure if I am allowed to be there or not is most of the thrill. Besides the thing about high places with low railings.

I'm here for 10 days, two weeks, maybe a bit longer, I walk the streets, the beach, the lane ways and bush tracks. I see and enjoy seeing. Thanks to Henry and Narelle for the opportunity to have a roof over my head during my time in Port Stephens.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Back to Basics

For me composition is the most important element of my image making. Whether the subject is animate or inanimate, and mostly for me it has been inanimate. It's easy to get a wall to smile.

As I have said before my method of working is instinctive. I don't shoot a lot, but I do shoot often, most days. I try not to shoot anything when I know that it isn't right. It either feels right looking through the lens or it doesn't, and if it doesn't I move on. I watched a film recently, a documentary about William Eggleston. It changed my mind about the man, but not about his work. He was being followed around by a film crew as he roamed the streets shooting with a collection of different cameras his son carried for him. He shot everything, or rather he found something to shoot everywhere he looked. William prints everything he shoots or so he said. William was totally absorbed in his practice. He would see the shot and lock onto it, never allowing any distance until he made the exposure after which he moved on to the next.

I've started walking in the mornings again (this week anyway) The camera is always there. It gives me an excuse to stop sometimes, and sometimes I can't let go of something I've seen and I have to stop. Image making gives me focus and allows me to let go of the now. I am absorbed and alert in the most positive way. It's a meditation, as is the walking part.

Gracie had a little spell in hospital recently. I sat with her for a couple of days. For anyone who knows, it's not a good place to be, whether for visitor or captive. The hospital policy kindly allowed me to bunk down beside her bed overnight. It was good to be there. On the second day, I slipped off for a few moments while Grace slept and made these images. They feel like peace to me. They are as relaxed as I could be in such a place and at such a time. They helped me through so that I could help Grace through. She is on the mend now.

Here she sleeps...

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Unsung Heroes

These are the Unsung Heroes of the recent Portrait series. The stand ins, the unpaid extras, the crew, the props, the place holders. They who reflect the light while we get the exposure right.

These are the people who helped me set up the shots before the 'talent' arrived. They stood and took the light on the chin without a grumble or a thought for their own safety or what they were getting out of this. They mugged for the camera without wondering... why? They turned to the left and they turned to the right. They didn't ask to be paid nor did they ask for an 8 x 10 glossy at the end of the day. They did it for the love of photography and image making. For the history of portrait photography into which they could not reasonably expect to enter. Yet here they are. Making a little history baby.

Thanks girls, you make my life.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

1233 Portrait Prize

At the 1233 Portrait Prize Exhibition the finalist were given a prime position in the Maitland Regional Gallery. Many thanks. Here are the ten finalists. The winner is on the lower row in the centre.

Friday, 22 June 2012


Congrats to Sarah who took the ribbon in the Portrait Prize. A lovely self portrait that started as the dark horse I think, but came home strong. I walked home with a Highly Commended but no free ride to the ACT.

My image of Roland is now hanging in the Maitland Regional Art Gallery for the next three weeks. The ten final images do their creators honour and represent a great effort by most who participated. It was a stretch for me to tackle the genre, but now have a liking for the sport and will pursue this interest with more vigour in the future.

A couple of extra images of Andy from the last session.

Sunday, 17 June 2012


Mr Andy Devine, draughtsman, painter and all round good fellow volunteered to stand before my camera last week on the final day of the Photo Prize. Wishing to avoid the last minute stress of photographing, processing and delivering the image all in the final moments of the due date I had sensibly decided not to use Andy for the prize.

And what a shame that was...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Another day, another face

Two more kind folk passed before my lens today.
I hope I've found something in each that says something to you.

There are still one or two more people in the queue, but this will be my last chance to get any feedback before I submit to the mercy of the judges. I've put a name and number with each portrait posted over the last couple of days. If you could take a moment and let me know which images work for you I would be very grateful. Thanks

Glenn #1

Rachel #1

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Two more portraits

Two more versions of portraits from recent days.

Carrie #4

Roland #3

Colour ?

I guess I'm wondering why William Eggleston, Stephen Shore et al. bothered sometimes. Their ground breaking work in colour photography has largely been ignored by yours truly of late. Beautiful, arresting images from way down south in Memphis. So, I thought I'd better add in some of the colour images and resist the urge to allow the tones to have the stronger voice. That's after all where this particular image was meant to go.
Sometimes I just can't resist the power of the black and white. Judge for yourself and please let me know what you think.

Roland #2

Something new from yesterday and someone new from today. It is my aim to photograph a new portrait every day this week. I have two people lined up for tomorrow. We'll see if I can keep up the pace.

Carrie #3

Roland #1

Monday, 11 June 2012


A couple of today's portraits. Many thanks to Carrie who volunteered to have water sprayed in her face while being subjected to the cameras scrutiny. A truly lovely person, I've known Carrie for a few years now and can't ever see enough of her.

Thanks also to Clare also subjected to the water torture albeit from behind the glass.

Would love all feedback as I am to submit three portraits by the end of the week, one of which will hang at the Maitland Regional Art Gallery (MRAG)

Carrie #1
Carrie #2

Night Drive


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Blue Sky Mining

If you have a look at the links attached to this blog, you'll see Richard Avedon's name. After the stunning images he made it's difficult to think of myself as a portrait photographer. And if you've followed this blog at all you'll know that I am more interested in the flotsam and jetsam of life than anything more conspicuous.

As I prepare to embark on the portrait challenge I have involved myself in, I will allow myself this small indulgence. An image from I trip I did last January coming home from northern NSW. Nambucca Heads. A small south-east coastal town in NSW. On this overnight stop I walked and walked. Camera in hand I found much to enjoy.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Xmas Day - Portrait Prize

Well then, the image in the previous post was entered a couple of days ago into the 1233 Portrait Prize. Run by the ABC and the Maitland Regional Art Gallery. I've been fortunate enough to have been selected as one of the Ten Finalists.

From here we final ten have been awarded a workshop with SMH Photographer Quentin Jones. Following the workshop we create another portrait image for judging, with the winner receiving a trip for two to the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. All ten finalist will have their work shown at the Maitland Regional Art Gallery. This is the prize for me.

Congratulations to the other nine finalists.
Below is one of the other images I submitted into the Prize.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Xmas Day

This is an image of my dad taken last xmas day at the family gathering. I used the lens baby on my nikon. Didn't touch the images until two nights ago. I photographed everyone who came to lunch, up against the wall. Surprised they all agreed. Much grimacing and nervous grins. My dad toughed it out for the crowd. Nervous, and who isn't with a camera shoved close to their face, but still relaxed enough to let the feeling of happiness he carried within to escape through his eyes. He's a happy man and it's good to see.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Head On Photo Festival
Sydney’s Head On Photo Festival features over 180 events and includes exhibitions of Australian and international work by established and emerging photographers.

This year I have some images in the Head On photo Festival at the Leichhardt Library Exhibition Space.

Opening on Thursday 3 May

I'm sharing the space with two other photographers

It's an interesting show and a great, great event so support your local image makers and artists and go enjoy their images